Wednesday, January 27, 2010


January 23, 2010 marked my dad’s first anniversary since he passed on. On behalf of my family, I want to express our appreciation and gratitude for your support and encouragement.

Your love and support saw me through those trying moments and continue to give me hope for the future. I lost a dear father and friend, but I’m grateful to God for more of those friends and fathers like you.

I am particularly grateful to those of you who made it to the mountain top ….. guess it was fun all the same. Upon arrival, most of you were amazed and tired after the bumpy journey. Some of you made interesting and funny comments about my beautiful village (“a little village perched on a mountain top” as my grandpa prefers to describe it) I had to laugh despite the sadness in my heart at the time.

Vida and Nana Ayensu, I will never forget those comforting shoulders you offered me to cry on.

Kehinde, I am forever grateful for your kindness and love. You continue to prove to me that you are a true friend, despite my flaws.

Annie dear, what can I say? ….. distance and time could not stop you from showing me love. God bless you, my beautiful friend.

Seth and Amisty, I am so grateful you were there.

My good friend, Mary Ahiavi (now, Mrs. Quansah) and husband, Charles Quansah ……. For making it to the mounting top, I know I can always count on you. Charles, you have found a good wife in Mary, please hold her dear.

Eric Adae and Nii (Calipers Boye), you guys erased my sorrows with your presence. The thought of your presence still gladdens my heart any time I remember that sunny afternoon.

Antoinette, Stella, Randy and the entire GMA entourage …. Thank you very much. Antoinette, I will forever remember the solace you offered me in those loving arms.

Mr. Mark Wiafe, Mr. Ourah Delano and Auntie B …… in a most crazy way, you demonstrated your love for me, I’m ever grateful.

Prof Karikari, Dr. Edward Sackey, Mr. Kwaku Mensa-Bonsu (KMB) Dr. Kofi Abruquah and Fr. Benard Adjei Appiah,....... thank you very much.

Cephas Emmanuel Apronti, Daniel Owusu Achaw, Eugene Ampomah (Kobby), Samira, Edwin Owusu-Ansah, Rodney, Sarfoa, Linda Bobie, Mavis Osei Agyeman, Agbesi Gbafa, Eli Kofi Aba ….. thank you for your encouragement and support.

Esi Esuman Johnson,, Akua Twumasi, Adwoa Assan, Erasmus (daddy), Nash, Kwame Ayesu Kumi, Solo, Sule, Kafui, Elvis and all SCS squad ……. I’m forever grateful.

Kwabena Opoku-Agyeman, Kwame, Elizabeth Quartey, Auntie Millie, Stephany (Mawunyonam), Yvette, Sammy Ocloo, and all former UG Eng Dept colleagues, I am blessed to have come across people like you.

Oduro Kwame, Evelyn Ohene-Opare, Ninette, Stephen Twum, Evans Adu-Gyamfi, Jacob Arhin, Wendy Asare, Nana Andoh, Esther Amprofi, and all Nananom,……. Meda mo ase!

Madam Olivia, Madam Akorfa, Mr. Abache, and Mr, Agbeko, …. you were there for daddy when I couldn’t be there…….God bless you.

Chris Howusu, Nii Amon, and all facebook friends……… you shared in my sorrows ……and it made it a lot more bearable!

Mr. Obed Owusu Agyarko (theboyobed), a friend in whom I am well pleased …… your encouragement meant and still means the world to me.

Lambozy …. My dear cousin who had to bear the brunt of my frustrations …… I thank God you understood and smiled through it all. God bless you

Hellen and Akua …… my beautiful cousins who stood by me through it all, I am grateful.

And oh, what do I call you …… a friend, a sister, a cousin, or a mother????! Ayeley, I am amazed at what you are made of. I have come to understand that you are a God-sent, my angel in this universe. What can I ever do without you? You are my “all-in-one”. I love you.

My dear little sister, Etornam Wochawoe Richlove (daddy’s girl). You are a ray of hope. I thank daddy and God for a gift as precious as you. I love you.

Forgive me if your name is not mentioned. The list goes on and will never end if I want to single out what you each did for me. To everybody else (my colleagues, friends and family), I want to say Thank You for your prayers, support and encouragement.

From the bottom of our hearts, the Nuwati and allied families say a big thank you and God bless you.

I love you all ………. God bless!

Akpe na mi kataaaaaaaaaaa. Mawu neyra mi!

January 27, 2010