Monday, May 17, 2010

My Friends

My Friends-----------

I paused for a moment to think.....think about the wonderful people in my life.

Friends, I call them. I just realized I have been so buried in work that I seem to have forgotten those lovely roses in my life – my friends.

I felt so guilty when a friend sent me a text message recently. It reads: “Valuing a person is not merely seeing each other every day. What matters most is that somehow in our busy lives, we remember each other even just by saying ‘good evening'

You may laugh it off and say that is only a message from an attention-seeking person. But no. I felt really bad that I have got to a point where I was being reminded to show some concern to my friends!

To all my friends who feel neglected, I’m sorry, and I promise to make it up to you. I truly love and appreciate you. You are the salt of my life.

And oh, I can share this piece of good news with you …….. I have been so blessed lately with lots of goodies. I pray God blesses you too.

Always in my thoughts
