Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I'll Never Say Good-bye !!!

“The greatest gift I ever had came from God; I call him dad”

Sorrow fills my heart this sad moment, a sorrow that is deep and personal. Daddy has silently closed the door of life and departed from me. My life will be empty in the many areas that he had so brightened for me.

I carry in my mind and heart precious memories of a special dad. Dad was one of the most gentle, thoughtful and charitable men who ever lived. His kindness and warmth attracted many people to him, forming good relationships and friendships that he had sustained and protected over the past 50 years of his life.

Daddy became my friend, rather than my father especially in the past couple of years when we called each other by very endearing pet names. He called me “Brooklyn my angel” and I called him “Herberto”. We became so close I could share virtually any secrets with him without any feelings of fear or terror that I felt towards him when I was much younger. Believe you me, as much as daddy was free-going, he was also a very strict disciplinarian – he believed in spare the rod and spoil the child. I still find it so difficult to convince myself that I’m reading a tribute to your memory, that you are no longer physically with us. Indeed your frequent phone calls to me “your angel” have ceased.

I’ll always remember his sense of humour and his laughter – warm and contagious. Daddy allowed me to make my own choices in life and always offered his support and guidance even though he sometimes didn’t agree with what I wanted to do. When I decided to read Communication instead of Law (which had always been his dream for me) he only said … “you can read Communication if that’s what you want, but I hope you’ll read Law for me one day”. He offered his full support in my decision to read Communication Studies, my preferred choice.

In a recent conversation with us, he told Rich, my younger sister to follow her heart and do what she wants to do and not allow anyone to force her to do anything against her will. I have come know and believe that he gave us the greatest gift a father could give his children … he believed in us. I’ll also remember dad’s love for his family. The security he wrapped around us made us sure that we were loved. I know that his love will always be with us.

Dad always told me, …“Brooklyn, do you know that if there was an opportunity that required me to choose between you and I, who should go to a nice place like America, I’ll let you go?

I believed him and I knew dad could die for his children just to make them happy.

When I was in the boarding house in my secondary school days, dad became a father and a friend to many of my friends due to his frequent visits. In fact, he was known by almost every teacher and all my classmates. He was almost like a staff! I remember how he didn’t mind to bring me food “home cho” and sit by me for a while just to encourage me on my studies and share other lighter issues with me.

Albert Einstein said, “the value of a man should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is able to receive.” In one word, daddy was a man who gave. He gave much to his family, work and society as a whole. That is why ladies and gentlemen as we bid goodbye to him, I would like to speak in celebration of his life. Here was a simple life that demanded notice … a life that exemplified diligence with humility … a life that inspired emulation … a life that burned so that others’ paths were lit. At least a few young people among us here today owe so much to my father, who in his small way helped to make them contented men and women today.

Your sudden departure has brought my world crushing daddy, what do I do with all the promises that we made to each other? You gave your entire life for me and for Richlove. I only prayed and hoped that you lived long enough for me to say thank you daddy in that special way that I have always wanted to. You denied yourself so much pleasure just to make sure that we were loved in a special way. In fact my friends always envied me any time they got close to me enough to know that simple but loving man who made sure I had at least a little of every good thing. You sacrificed so much for me. Why did you have to leave so soon? You left without a word daddy, not even goodbye to Rich, your little angel.

But no, I will not despair, I will continue to live your name and make you proud even as you rest peacefully with the Lord. I believe that you were called by your father for a greater reward that you deserve for your good work, a reward that I can never give you.

Herberto dear, I’m deeply and sincerely saddened by your sudden departure. I will forever hold you dear to my heart. Nothing or no one can ever take your place in my life. You have indeed created a huge vacuum in my heart. But I thank God that you have given me so much to live for, including some of the timeless virtues by which you were known by your kith and kin. I have come to understand and appreciate what you’ve always taught me about life. If you were a great speaker like John Maxwell, your philosophy on life would have read like this;

“ ... sooner or later, a man, if he is wise, discovers that life is a mixture of good days and bad, victory and defeat, give and take. He learns that it doesn’t pay to be a too-sensitive soul, that he should let some things go over his head …

”With these words, I can’t help but take consolation in the fact that you indeed knew about such a day as this. We trust that everything happens for a reason, even when we are not wise enough to see it. More ultimately, I am consoled with the trust and hope that you have been called by your maker who will give you eternal peace and joy.

Thank you daddy for all the wonderful times you have given us and the affection you have shown me. They are forever etched in my memory.

Daddy, Herberto, hede nyuie !!! damirifa due!!!

Till we meet again in greater joy and love, rest in eternal peace

1 comment:

  1. there are more better things ahead and God knows best.Take heart girl.
