Thursday, December 24, 2009

Fe yeye na mi ………. Merry Christmas!!!

//Jingle bells, jingle bells jingle all the way ,
Oh what a joy, it is to see fanta all the way
Oh jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way,
Oh what a fun it is to see fanta all thy wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.//

Till date, this is my lyrics for the famous Christmas jingle. I never cared to learn the right words because to me, these words capture the true feeling and expectations of the festive season. It’s all about joy, fun and sharing fanta!

Oh how I relish those Christmases I used to spend with my family …. Family was a much bigger term or concept in those days. I my siblings, mum and dad, aunties, grandparents, uncles, cousins, Auntie Adzo’s friend’s little niece and so many other people, I can’t even trace the lineage.

I used to stay awake all night, counting the stars on December 24th night, anxious for day-break, just so I could wear my cute pretty dress on Christmas day. And oh, the presents ….. we didn’t get to open gifts picked from a Christmas tree; but hey, we had more than enough to be joyous for. Uncle Mawunyo gave us some candies and bars of chocolate, big cousin Dela gave us some biscuits, auntie Adisa gave my little brother some toys and oh my God there was lots of food! ….. there was a long table full of different kinds of dishes you would think we had a grand buffet going on. These were food brought by family, friends, neighbours, and just anyone who was moved by the spirit of the season – giving and sharing.

It didn’t matter who wore the best clothes or who got the most expensive gifts; we all felt special at Christmas. My favourite part of the season was the merry-go-round trips I took with my grandma who couldn’t do a 5-metre distance without an aid of a walking stick. But my grandma wouldn’t be deterred by any such hindrances as waist pains. She loved to walk to people’s homes and exchange greetings and good wishes. She would say;

“Efe yeye na mi looooo. Fe yeyea nenyo, netsor nuse, lamese, dzidzor kple nutifafa vana mi sia (meaning, Happy New Year, may the New Year be good; may it bring you strength, good health, joy and peace).

We would go round till grandma felt satisfied that she had visited virtually every home in the village.

These were times that I truly felt happy at Christmas; it was simple, natural and shared. I long for those Christmas days. We can rekindle it by sharing little acts of kindness. Let’s show true love to one another in this season. Spend some time with people you care for, give presents if you can afford. They don’t have to be expensive ….. simple practical gifts are the best. A simple card to say thank you to someone may be enough. Offer free services …. wash a friend’s car, invite friends over to dinner, surprise an old friend with a phone call, put a smile on the face of that little girl you always see on your way to work everyday selling iced water on the street; buy her a dress, a pair of shoes or give her something to be truly happy for.

Christmas is also a time of peace. My grandma went round asking people to forgive her of any wrongs she might have done against them; knowingly or unknowingly.

Let’s celebrate Christmas in the same spirit of forgiveness, sharing and loving.

Merry Christmas! Afehyia Pa!! Fe yeye na mi kataaaaa!!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Silverbird Celebrities Day

They were there in their numbers and classes; the sensational, the fastest, the notorious and even the saucy. Silverbird as part of their first anniversary celebrations treated their customers to a pull of stars and celebrities in the showbiz industry including music stars, film stars, DJs as well as other TV and radio personalities.

To give fans a unique opportunity to interact with their stars, Silverbird brought together Ghana’s stars of the moment including Kwabena Kwabena, Sarkodie, Tic Tac, Kwaku T, Chemphe, KOD, husky voice- Nana Kwame (Norkus) of Y FM, soul sister, Jessica Sarforo of Citi FM, Jeremie of Y FM, big boss, Bola Ray of Joy FM and many others.

To give the experience a truly personal touch, the stars came down and interacted with their fans in very ordinary ways such as serving them with pop corn ice cream, drinks plus tickets to see great movies. The fans also had the opportunity to take individual photographs and had their stars autograph various items including T- shirts, books, and even pizza boxes!

The fans also rendered acapella versions of their music to the delight of their fans who smartly and quickly recorded the live performances onto their mobile phones and other devices.

“I am very delighted to meet Sarkodie, Bola Ray, Kwabena Kwabena, Trigmtic, Jeremie and all these stars. Congratulations to Silverbird for making this possible. I have always prayed to meet Jessica, she is my role model, and she is really nice in person too. I wouldn’t have met her so up-close but for Silverbird” says elated Juliet Folly.

Joseph Darko who is on a holiday from Kumasi agrees with Juliet, “to have Sarkodie and Norkus serve me with drinks and pop corn is a really great experience. Their handshake was very warm and friendly. Silverbird knows what we want”.

Silverbird was one year old on November 14, 2009 and planned the Celebrities Day Out as one of the events on the calendar to celebrate the anniversary and reward their loyal customers. Other activities lined-up for the anniversary celebrations include Silverbird Kids Day, held two weeks ago for school going children, Silverbird Campus Day which brought together students for great movies at special prices and a grand raffle to be held on December 20, where a lucky cinema goer or shopper at the Silverbird Lifestyle stores will get to win a brand new VW Polo car.

General Manager, Albert Mensah says “We are very grateful for the warm reception we enjoyed in our first year. We owe it all to our loyal customers. We want to reward everyone in our anniversary packages, so we encourage more and more people to take advantage of the last days in this festive season to enjoy our attractive packages and win any of the mouth-watering prizes.
The exciting event was exclusively sponsored by Ecobank.

Silent Scandal Breaks Box Office @ Silverbird

Vivian Ejike’s latest box office “Silent Scandal” featuring Genevieve Nnaji and Majid Michael breaks the rules of silence during its grand premiere at the Silverbird Cinemas over the weekend in Accra. About three of Silverbird’s large cinema halls were filled to capacity with several movie lovers pushing management of Silverbird to arrange for additional showing times on the premiere night.

Pretty face Nigerian actress Genevieve Nnaji was at her best having been absent from the scene for a while and making her fans crave so crazily for her. It was as if the fans gathered to confirm whether their screen goddess was really back with another bang.

Versatile Ghanaian actor Majid Michael also shown at his best and there’s no doubt that the beau is one of Ghana’s best at the moment.

The audience who gathered to see the movie on the gigantic screens were truly happy and satisfied as summed by 43-year old banker, Samuel Keelson, “this movie is really mind-blowing. I thought I had seen good movies in recent times, but this Silent Scandal is something else”.
Happy and contented Albert Mensah, General Manager of Silverbird Ghana said “We are amazed at the number of people who thronged in to see the Silent Scandal. It was as though we embarked on a door-to-door campaign to bring in the people. Our customers are happy and this confirms the fact that Silverbird is in the business to bring Ghanaians the first and the best. We expect more and more people to come and see this movie and other great ones we have on the menu for this festive season.

The dramatic love story revolves around the hidden and triangular love lives of a strict mother, her spoilt daughter and an indigent ‘playboy’. It has top actress, Genevieve Nnaji, as the lead act, Uche Jombo, Ebele Okaro, Ghanaian import –Michael Majid and a host of other emerging acts. Silent Scandal is an emotional story, where a mother and her only daughter, unknowingly, are torn apart by the true love and lust of an indigent young man. The movie is full of intrigues and suspense from start-to-finish. The movie is produced by leading female filmmaker and honcho of Purple Pine Productions, Vivian Ejike. It was carefully shot with hi-tech production equipment and thoroughly manned by tested professionals.

About Silverbird:
Silverbird Entertainment Ghana Limited is a joint venture between the Silverbird Group, a full service media, entertainment and real estate company with holdings in Radio, Television, Retail Malls and Cinemas and Global Media Alliance, an integrated pan-African media and entertainment company. Silverbird Group also boasts of excellent locations in Kenya with 18 screens at five premier shopping centres.

The Silverbird Group, the third largest entertainment company is taking a bold step in the African retail entertainment market and can guarantee that all products found in any Lifestyle store and Cinemas are legal and legitimate in terms of copyright and intellectual property. Silverbird's objective to establish a world class Pan-African Entertainment Company is well on course, with fast growing establishments in East and West Africa.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Global Media Alliance Supports UG Sch of Comm Library

The School of Communications Studies, University of Ghana, Legon has received some of the latest edition of books on Communication and Media to enhance their library. The books have been donated by the renowned Public Relations Students Society of America (PRSA) at the James Madison University, Virginia, USA.

The benevolent gesture towards the school and its education is a continuing exercise and has been facilitated by Executive Chairman of Global Media Alliance (GMA), Mr. Edward Boateng.

The books range from first-rate communications literature including Public Relations, Advertising, Telecommunications and Journalism. There were also books on management which will go a long way to equip students with media management skills and leadership skills in other related areas.

This adds to the various corporate social responsibility initiatives by Global Media Alliance, a pan-African communications company towards the School of Communication Studies. GMA has previously donated some books to the school and has always granted graduating students internship opportunities as well as employment opportunities. Mr. Edward Boateng has also been involved in mentoring programmes where he shares with students his experiences. He strongly believes Ghana could be a beacon of hope and excellence for media development on the continent if media leaders would only adhere to the ethics of the profession. He believes a strong regulator is needed to advance media development in the country and the African continent at large.

Donating the books on behalf of GMA and the Madison University, Corporate Communications Manager of Global Media Alliance, Ms. Brooke Nuwati says GMA is committed to promoting communication excellence in Ghana and on the African continent and therefore will not miss any opportunities or efforts that are geared towards the realization of such a dream.

“Being a communication outfit ourselves, we know the true value of effective communications and its role in national development. We are always happy to contribute our quota to promote excellence in this all important field of communication. We hope students will benefit immensely from these books” she says.

Thanking GMA, Ms. Audrey Gadzekpo, Acting Director of the School says the school is grateful for the support it continues to receive from Global Media Alliance. She says students benefit greatly from the books and the other learning materials that GMA has provided in the past, because the materials are always carefully selected by someone who is a celebrated thought leader in the industry.

She also adds that the school will continue counting on GMA’s support for materials such as a collection of the stories that make it for the CNN MultiChoice African Journalist of the year awards since students pick a lot of lessons and techniques as well as inspiration to come up with good journalistic stories and reports.

Light at the end of the tunnel

How often do you not find yourself contemplating on whether or not you are not being considered a fool for doing one thing or the other? Especially when you find yourself doing things that the seemingly high and mighty (oftentimes regarded the wisest) persons would quickly and readily shy away from?

Why must you always be the one cleaning up the mess of others? Why must you be the one making sure the lights and the air conditioners in your office are turned off after work even though your colleagues are fully aware of the implications of wasting electricity and other utilities?

Well, don’t throw up your hands in despair and give up so quickly, because your story may have a happy ending like one told me by grandma about a poor girl who once lived in Afiadenyigba.

Afiadenyigba was a small village inhabited by about 3,000 people. Though the youth (16 – 45years) made up about 60 percent of the population, it was a common thing to find the older citizens engaged in activities that helped to maintain the society clean and safe. They gathered together for communal labour to carry out activities such as clean up campaigns.

There was however a young girl, Enyonam, about nineteen years of age, who was always found among the old folks any time they gathered for any such community activities. It was also common to see Enyonam sometimes weeding the footpath that led to the village riverside, where the entire community went to fetch water. The river was the only source of water for all purposes including drinking.

Enyonam’s mates would ridicule her; call her names like Aprewa or Abrewa Posoposo as they passed by her to the river bank to fetch their water. Some of them walked hand in hand with their young lovers and hooted at Enyonam who ignored them and continued with her work.

Well, it so happened that a huge tree fell down and blocked the only footpath that led to the riverside, making it very difficult for the town folks to cross it to and from the river.

Unfortunately for the town folks, the tree was so huge that any attempts by the usual committed members of the society (the old folks and Enyonam) could not push away or cut the tree off the path to make way. They tried and tried until most of them gave up saying that they couldn’t do anything but wait for the tree to rot away.
The younger men and women on the other hand did nothing to help move the tree; instead, they went round the long tree and with time, managed to create an alternate route to the river, though the new path was very long and rocky.

But not Enyonam, she did not give up entirely, any time she had some free time to herself, she went there to continue cutting the trunk of the tree, still believing that, sooner than later, she would clear the way so the villagers could have their smooth and short path back.

Unknown to everyone in the village, the king had always admired Enyonam and her spirit of diligence and perseverance. He thought and thought about how best to reward the young girl.

And so on that fateful day, the king prayed in his heart that his plans worked as he gathered the entire community at the village square to make his announcement.

The king said “My people, there’s a serious issue that must be attended to in the palace …. It is time for the prince to take unto himself a bride”.

The crowd, especially the damsels went agog with joy …. Oh that the prince will pick me … they giggled among themselves.

"But, there is a condition for this tradition to be fulfilled. Your prince has misplaced his royal necklace and we must find this necklace before we can progress with the marriage. Whoever finds the necklace will be greatly rewarded and should the person be a young maiden, befitting a bride and finds favour in the prince’s sight, she becomes the lucky bride", the king concluded.

As the crowd dispersed, the girls talked excitedly about how nice it would be to be the lucky person to find the necklace. Enyonam, though she prayed sincerely in her heart that the prince found the royal necklace she only went back to complete her task to clear the path. She could not even imagine herself as the lucky bride; after all, everyone knew her as abrewa …. an old lady.

And so she continued day in and day out with her part time job. Gradually, she succeeded in cutting through the big trunk. On the final day however, something happened. Enyonam’s eyes caught sight of the royal necklace under the tree! She quickly picked it up and headed straight to the palace. The king was very pleased and most importantly happy because, no one else but Enyonam had found the necklace. His plans had worked. He has found his son a good wife.

Interestingly, the prince also loved Enyonam and was very happy that she would be his bride. They had a colourful wedding ceremony that became the talk of town in the community and all the surrounding villages for days. The king then revealed how he came up with the plan to teach the young men and women a good lesson. Perseverance pays and modesty is a virtue, he told his subjects.

Aware soooooo !!! … Enyonam.

I Learned from the Best

And so Asiwome’s mother always said to her; you must grow up into such a lady as gorgeous and responsible as a first lady.

Asiwome, you must do this you must do that. Okay mum, I hear you, certainly mum I hear you.
“Asi, (as her mother affectionately called her) it is so unlady-like to talk, eat, walk or even breathe that way!”

Of course mum, you are right, and I hear you, thank you. Asiwome would reply her mum frustratingly, tired of the constant nagging and boring lectures about what a lady is supposed to do and not to do.

And guess what, what a lady Asiwome grew to be! A lady of such make-up men and women alike feared and despised her. She would scream and shout at the least provocation any time; anywhere. She was notorious for being the worse late comer everywhere she found herself.
Asiwome always turned heads and raised eye brows wherever she went …. Why? ….. Her way of dressing often incurred the wrath of people especially the tongue-lashing Pentecostal brothers and sisters who would have nothing to do with such lost souls!

What a woman I have for a wife! Her husband complained constantly to friends and family. She would not behave as a lady – she rules the house, and that is that! She decides whatever happens in the house and she always has the final word. Imagine that! Her husband kept lamenting to his family and friends.

It so happened that Asiwome turned out to be such a black sheep in her society her mother wondered where her daughter picked up such an up-bringing and attitude.

“People called me Maame Dzata and they could all testify that I raised you with iron hands, not even your father could have a say in your up-bringing” her mother often complained
“Mum, I learned from the best”, Asiwome simply told her mother.

What is the best? She demanded angrily. Oh yes, mother, thanks to you I learned how to control my husband … from the way you deftly manhandled my father and everything else in the house…..remember?

Yes, everyone calls me names like ‘madam buy-no-pay’ … yes I remember so well, the hide and seek game we used to play with the people that came to demand their money while you went into hiding in the bedroom and I skillfully sent the people away with the excuse that you had travelled or taken my 119-year-old grandmother to the hospital.

I went about the false defence so well, I won the sympathy of the people chasing after their money and so they rather went away and left you some money to help you take care of “my almost 120 years old grandma”. Good job, you always said when they left … remember? …I learned from the best.

A husband beater, people call me, and you seem surprised? You never allowed daddy to have a say in the house. Your wish was his command all the time because you were the breadwinner.
Asi, you are too disrespectful, …. Remember you taught me that it was a sign of strength for a woman to be stern and difficult? … people have to fear you …. Who are those good-for-nothing folks expecting that Auntie Normesi (my dear mother) would greet or smile to them?
After all, the first lady is passing by and everyone must give way. Not that you are a snob, it only resonates your importance..... you used to justify when I asked you why you carried yourself in such a manner as though nobody was good enough to deserve your greetings in the neighbourhood.

And so mama, I learned from the best.

Our children and other young people continue to look up to us in every aspect of our lives. What we do is oftentimes a more revealing and quickly passed on lessons than what we say. Let us instill good morals in our children by setting good examples especially in this techno-advanced age where children are exposed to all forms of lifestyles in the media.

Grandma had had her say!

Together as one

Enyeeee yi, Enyeeee yi le nyornu velia gormeeeee!!!
Wofor kpewo fom dokpui, wofor yio fom dokpui,
Enyeeee yi, Enyeeee yi le nyornu velia gormeeeee

(Hahahahaha …. this is certainly a tongue twister to many of you, especially you non-Anlo speaking folks. Don’t worry, because as I keep telling you, it’s a singular opportunity for you to learn some interesting words and expressions in Anlo, the uniquely heavy Ewe dialect).

The story is told of two women who were married to the same man and stayed in the same compound with their children. Ablavi, the first wife and Ayador, the second and childless wife had to deal with the daily issues that came with being married to the same man. Yes, they were rivals. (I wonder why we call two or more women married to the same man, ‘rivals’).

Well, by the virtue of what they were called, it was not surprising the heated rivalry that ensued between the two women. They would quarrel, fight and refuse to talk to each other for days.
Often times, the lucky, perhaps unlucky man looked on while his wives went on with their little farrago. He would only intervene when things seemed to be getting out of hand, for instance when one woman threatened to injure the other or when the harm was already done.

The second and younger wife, Ayador in particular was very quarrelsome and bitter. As much as Ablavi tried to make peace with her, Ayador only pushed her farther away with insults.

“You evil, haggard looking woman, to hell with you. Who do you think you are for me to be willing to resolve issues with you? You only continue to grow older and more ugly every minute, you and your miserable children.” Ayador would say, any time Ablavi tried to resolve any issues with her.

Little did Ayador know that, as the faithful hands of the clock kept ticking, second by second, so her days went by with her dazzling beauty fading away also. She thought she would always remain young and fresh.

One day though, they went to the farm together – husband, wives and children to cultivate some maize on a piece of land that they have tilled together, virtually without Ayador …. She often complained of or feigned one sickness or the other that kept her away from working together with the others on the farm. Lazy she! Being the more sober and wiser woman, Ablavi never complained of Ayador’s endless excuses that exempted her from working on the farm. She would rather work her lungs out than picking a fight with Ayador.

Unknown to the rest of the family, anytime Ayador complained of one ailment or the other which sometimes enabled her to be given some time to be alone, relaxing while the others worked, Ayador always sneaked to steal the food that the family brought with them to the farm. She would eat everything or throw away whatever she couldn’t finish, just to make the rest of the family, especially her rival and her children suffer from hunger.
The family often went through the trauma of discovering that their food was gone. You can imagine the ordeal and frustration when they came to empty bowls and plates after retiring from a hard day’s work under a hot scotching sun. They often attributed the misfortune to a strange wicked animal that came for their food while they worked.

Ayador, on the other hand, while the others, including her husband agonized about their loss and hunger, was filled with joy. She was satisfied that the others were suffering because of her greed and selfishness. She said to her herself …. Efiawo! Efiawo! Efiawo! (A sarcastic expression that means …. You’ve learned your lesson/You deserve it!) This, she said with such emphasis, her forehead was wildly knitted and pleated if you saw her say it!

This happened on a number of occasions when the family retired to empty bowls staring hard back at them. The poor folks even attributed the issue to an evil spirit who came for their food because they took a number of measures that they believed could keep their food safe when they retired to eat. But Ayador also intensified and improved her schemes to get the food.
On one other occasion, Ayador, just after a few minutes work on the farm, as usual, came up with another excuse to allow her do what she enjoyed doing most ….. causing pain and frustration to the rest of the family, especially Ablavi.

“I feel very horrible in my stomach. I think I must visit the toilet” Ayador announced to the others (any open space in the bushes a little away from the others, did for a toilet). So she went into the bushes, sneaked to where the food was securely kept from the “evil spirit”. After helping herself with all the food, she decided to go a step further in her little adventure.

After her meals, she squatted on the pot, eased herself so hard to produce the most beautiful laying concrete that one has ever seen. Then she attempted to get up with the intention of covering her newly prepared dish for the family. She tried and tried to get the pot off her butts, but the pot would not move. She hit the pot with anything that she could lay her hands on with all her strength and might. But the pot wouldn’t move. Today, her cup was really fool and perhaps the pot decided to tell Ayador, “efiawo ha” (You’ve learned your lessons too). Reading the time, she knew her husband and rival would soon be out to eat their food and start looking for her. She hurried to a nearby bush to hide.

Consequently, the family returned and once again saw that their food was gone but this time with the pot as well. They started calling out for Ayador to ask her if she knew what had happened to the food and the pot. She held her breath from her hide-out to prevent the rest from seeing her. Then, all of a sudden, a song was heard from a distance ……

Enyeeee yi, Enyeeee yi , Enyeeee yi le nyornu velia gormeeeee!!!
Efor kpewo fom dokpui, wofor yio fom dokpui,
Enyeeee yi, Enyeeee yi le nyornu velia gormeeeee
(I wish you could hear me sing it they way grandma did ….so terrifying!)

That was the mystery pot tightly clung to Ayador’s butts, telling the folks that she was under Ayador’s buttocks. With a loud cry, the pot went on to explain that Ayador, had tried to get her off, but she wouldn’t. They couldn’t believe it. A pot singing?!

Ayador was eventually caught and it had to take a hot burning metal to take the pot off her buttocks. With much pain and embarrassment, she confessed to the family how she often sneaked out to steal their food, just to punish them and make them suffer. She asked for Ablavi’s forgiveness and promised never to be wicked and greedy again.

This tale, any time I remember it, still sends shivers down my spine. I remember how I coiled around my grandma as she told us this tale under the moonlit in our compound. For days, I couldn’t go alone to our electricity-less room when I was sent in the night. I was scared of lifeless objects singing to me in the dark. I was scared because of the little, little evil that I knew I was guilty of. This tale has made me a kinder person. It has taught me never to treat people with wickedness and malice.

Grandma, I’ll never forget this tale. I miss the moonlit and the stars that we tried to count. We never succeeded because they were so many. Maybe, the tales you told me and the lessons are equally countless!

I leave you to deduce your own lessons from this tale.

Enyeeeeee yi ……….

Monday, November 9, 2009


Entry forms for the prestigious CNN MultiChoice African Journalist Awards are out for the year 2010.
Journalists interested in submitting their work for consideration should pick up entry forms at Global Media Alliance, Airport Residential Area, Accra or visit to download the forms. Completed forms should be submitted to Global Media Alliance or MultiChoice Ghana offices by January 28, 2010. Entries received after this date will be disqualified with no exceptions.

Co-founder of the Awards and Executive Chairman of Global Media Alliance, Edward Boateng says it is his hope that many more Ghanaian journalists will make it to the finals in next year’s awards and possibly bring home the title prize.

“It is disheartening that Ghana’s journalistic works have not received much of recognition in the awards. It means there is something we are not doing right. I encourage all journalists to be guided by professionalism and quality in their work, this is what the awards is all about … rewarding excellence” Boateng says.

This year’s awards held in Durban, South Africa had 26 finalists from 38 countries including Anas Aremeyaw Anas of Crusading Guide as the only Ghanaian finalist.

The thirteenth edition of the awards was held in Accra, Ghana in 2008 receiving 1912 entries from a record 44 countries throughout the continent, including French and Portuguese speaking Africa. Daniel Nkrumah of Daily Graphic and Israel Laryea of Joy FM were among the finalists with Israel picking up an award in the Radio General News Reporting category.

The journalists selected by the panel of judges will enjoy paid finalists’ programme of networking activities and workshops in Kampala, Uganda in May 2010, culminating in a Gala Awards Ceremony. Each finalist will receive a cash prize with each category winner also receiving a laptop computer and printer.

The overall winner of AJA 2010 will receive an additional cash prize and will have the opportunity to participate in the CNN Journalist Fellowship at CNN Headquarters in Atlanta.

About the Awards
The 'CNN African Journalist of the Year Competition' was established in August 1995 to encourage, promote and recognise excellence in African journalism. In the early nineties Edward Boateng, then Regional Director of Turner Broadcasting (CNN's parent company), was travelling around the African continent on business. During his travels he became concerned about the lack of respect journalists received and he decided to try and help them gain recognition for their hard work and commitment.

Working with Edward to launch the first competition were Gary Streiker, then CNN Nairobi Bureau Chief, the late esteemed photographer Mohamed Amin and the late Esom Alintah, then Secretary General of the African Business Roundtable. The first Awards Ceremony took place in Ghana on August 11, 1995. 2009 awards was the fourteenth year of the awards which were held in Durban, South Africa with Kenya’s John-Allan Namu emerging as the biggest winner.

Friday, November 6, 2009


Mmpt! Mmpt! Mmpt! (hahaha …. just trying to inscribe the kisses of my favourite pet, Blackie). This interesting dog would always jump, kiss and even try to hug me any time I enter my house. No matter how late it takes me to get home, Blackie as we affectionately call him, is always there, as faithful as my shadows waiting for me.

Wagging his tail and jumping high, it is all obvious that Blackie is always happy to see me after a long break (twelve hours’ break is long enough to make us miss each other).

But tell you what, it’s not only about wagging of tails, blowing of garbled kisses or running away from a hug of a four-legged animal that has so endeared me to this dog. This dog continues to teach me in a very natural way something that not even the most renowned motivational speaker or preacher would be so successful in making me understand!

One interesting thing that amazes me about Blackie is his level of patience. There are three dogs in my house. Anytime I enter the house, all three, including Blackie would jump around me and follow me until I close the door behind me and go into my bedroom. They would then leave, but not Blackie, Blackie my faithful friend would always linger around some more till after a time, long enough to convince himself that I was probably asleep and not coming out anymore ….. He never takes chances, in case I came out with some goodies wrapped for him. He must wait …. Yes Blackie has the spirit of waiting on his mistress ….. such admirable gift of patience! Oftentimes, I surely do have something for my dogs, but Blackie ends up having all of it. For the others leave before I come out with the goodies, just in case I decide to take a quick shower or sit through the evening news before giving them their treat. Faithful Blackie is surely always there because he has learnt to wait long enough.

Oftentimes, there are so many good things around us that we fail to see. We stretch our eyes too far in search of things that are so close to us if only we cared to look around us. There is no need looking for greener pastures when in fact the grass is greenest in our own land.

So, any time I find myself in a restless situation, and thoughts of giving up engulf me, I only remember my dog and smile. My friend, Blackie has taught me to be patient and let things work out for me. This does not mean you shouldn’t try to push your way through when it becomes necessary. On the contrary, it has taught me the art of perseverance …. Not to give up too easily. It also means we must try to let time take its course and that we must understand that there are certain things that we simply have no control over. No amount of fretting, chuckling or unrestlessness will make any positive difference if we decided to interfere with time’s plan of action. Like Blackie’s mistress in this tale, people or situations may decide to move at their own pace, rather than at your expected pace. You may get frustrated and lose it all if you don’t have some patience.

As I sat down lately, reminiscing about grandma, and I was suddenly snapped by something she used to say; “nunya, menye agbale me ko wole ooooo” (literally, knowledge is not only found in books). Yes, and it’s so true! There are invaluable amount of lessons around us …. even less endowed creatures like dogs have some knowledge/lessons to offer. We only need to look around us to appreciate them.

Grandma was so right. She never went to school but she knew so much I even wonder if I could ever get to acquire half the wisdom of my beloved grandma.
Thank you, Blackie.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Otumfuor Welcomes Anigye102.5FM

Anigy102.5FM has been officially launched in Kumasi over the weekend. Management of Global Media Alliance Broadcasting Company (GMABC), led by Executive Chairman Edward Boateng, before the launch, called on the Asantehene Otumfuor Osei Tutu II to ask for his blessings for the new venture, Anigye102.5FM in the Garden City.

Anigye102.5FM is the newest broadcasting entity of GMABC adding to Happy98.9FM, Y107.7FM and Ghana, Weekend World newspaper and Silverbird Cinemas and Lifestyle Stores all in Accra.

The launch of Anigye102.5FM is in line with GMABC’s commitment and determination to make the company a center of excellence when it comes to Media and entertainment.

The King, Otumfuor, expressed gratitude and joy for the call and commended Mr. Edward Boateng and his group for the good work they are doing in the nation. He urged them to continue with the good work in order to promote the national interest.

The Asantehene also commended Boateng for initiatives such as founding of the CNN Multichoice African Journalist of the Year Awards which is going a long way in the promotion of media excellence on the continent.

The King said it was a good thing that Global Media Alliance has started to expand their operations to cover other regions of the country instead of concentrating only in the national capital, Accra. He said all Ghanaians must have a taste of the quality that Global Media Alliance is known for.

Thanking the King, Mr. Edward Boateng said, “We are very glad for the warm welcome and your words of wisdom and encouragement. This will only re-energize us to be more committed in our quest for quality and liberation of media in Ghana and on the continent at large. Coming to Kumasi is heartwarming and it feels us with a sense of pride and honour because we have been able to give to our own people a chance to have a taste of quality entertainment. Anigye102.5FM will offer Kumasi and its environs quality in radio, focusing on music and sports” Boateng said.

Boateng continued, “We are soon rolling out to the rest of the country with our new television station, Ghana. Plans are advanced to extend the channel to Kumasi to give the people of Asanteman an opportunity to experience quality in television”.

Also at the Palace to pay homage to the King were various groups of people including Comedians of Asanteman descent led by the famous Agya Koo, Anloga Carpenters Association, religious leaders and some old and senior teachers who had once tutored the King when he was a young boy.

Dignitaries attending the official launch of the radio station at the Hotel Georgia in Kumasi included Nana Akyeampemhene and the Mayor of Kumasi. The launch of the radio station was followed by a massive float (Anigye Float) through the principal streets of Kumasi and a frenzied street jams held at the busy Bantama streets which attracted over seven thousand (7,000) people.

Aniyge102.5FM has already captured a large following with their quality programming. The radio station, after the official launch has started full programming to the delight of the people of Kumasi and its environs.

About Anigye102.5FM
Anigye102.5FM is a contemporary hit radio with a mission to provide quality programming. Anigye102.5FM believes in breaking barriers and making a difference. Thus Anigye102.5FM offers more music (75%) and less talk (25%). The metropolitan hit radio will also be running other interesting programmes including Sports, local and international news as well as community-related programmes. Moreover, Anigye listeners will also be treated to some live feed to be drawn from Happy98.9FM, a sister station in Accra.
With a well qualified and talented staff, listeners and clients will have nothing but the best in music and sports. AnigyeFM is here to make radio a true delight and strengthen the bond of intimacy between listeners and their radio sets. The station is committed to bringing back those memorable days when people could not do without their radio sets - their closest companions. Discerning listeners want the best, and Anigye102.5FM is the best.

Craze for Michael Jackson's THIS IS IT @ Silverbird

It was unbelievable; the multitude of people who filled the theatres at Silverbird for the exclusive world premiere of the much anticipated King of Pop Michael Jackson’s finale ‘THIS IS IT’.

The red carpet affair attracted hundreds of people including the crème da le crème of the capital city of Ghana, Accra all donned black & white. The grand event kick started with chocolate and sparkling wines, accompanied by Ms. Toni Madeson’s Jazz Band dishing out MJ numbers in notes of jazz. A young MJ look alike did his gig to take the King of Pop fever right to the hilt.

“Let the lights go off and the fire burn”—MJ while rehearsing for ‘This is it’ concert. The entire foyer of the Silverbird Cinemas was branded black and white to compliment one of Michael Jackson’s numero uno chart hits ….Black or White. There was also a memoire book placed amidst gently lit candles for fans who wanted to express their loving memories of how Wacko Jacko has touched their lives. The memoire book after two weeks of screening the film will be sent to Micheal Jackson’s family in LA, as an expression of gratitude from Ghana.

Among dignitaries to grace the occasion were Hon. Minister of Information, Mrs. Zita Okaikoi; Mr. Talal Fatal, Managing Director, Metro TV; Mr. Edward Boateng, Chairman of Silverbird Africa Group & Chairman of Global Media Alliance; Mrs. Linda Larbi, Senior Operations Marketing Manager, Coca Cola Equitorial, Ghana; MD of Stanbic Bank, Mr. Andani Alhassan; Chairman of the Accra Mall, Mr. Owusu Akyiaw; MTN Chief Marketing Manager, Mr. George Andah amongst others.

Honourable Zita Okaikoi after seeing the one hour, 40 minutes show said, “Indeed, this is it! I never knew Michael Jackson was so down to earth. He loves people and I’m so drawn to him. Thanks to Silverbird and MTN, so many people will get to know who Michael really was”.

Also in full attendance were movie makers such as Shirley Frimpong-Manso and Ken Attor (Director of the famous Perfect Picture), as well as other celebrities like Black Koffee.

It was a memorable night and Ghanaians truly affirmed the fact that Michael Jackson even though departed, continues to reign with his music. Silverbird hosted viewers in two of the 300-seater theatres where excited audiences seemed to never have enough of the King of Pop. They jeered, cheered and sang along till the very last beat.

“Not even time could ever uncover the myth surrounding this man” said an enthusiastic fan.

Viewing is now open to the public from October 28, 2009 where everybody can have the opportunity to experience MJ like they have never before.

“It took a lot of determination and hard work to bring this occurrence for Ghanaians, in the next two weeks, Silverbird is giving Ghanaians a unique opportunity to experience this history making event” says Mr. Edward Boateng, Chairman of Silverbird Africa Group and Executive Chairman of Global Media Alliance.

This Is It was a planned series of 50 concerts by Jackson, which was scheduled to begin in July 2009 until March 2010 before his untimely death just three weeks before his first show of London. The film features a compilation of interviews, rehearsals and backstage footage of Michael Jackson as he prepared for his series of sold-out shows in London.

The “This Is It” tour would have marked Jackson’s return to the live concert scene since the History World Tour in 1997. Michael Jackson passed away on June 25.

Silverbird Entertainment Ghana Limited is a joint venture between the Silverbird Group, a full service media, entertainment and real estate company with holdings in Radio, Television, Retail Malls and Cinemas and Global Media Alliance, an integrated pan-African media and entertainment company. Silverbird Group also boasts of excellent locations in Kenya with 18 screens at five premier shopping centres.

The Silverbird Group, the third largest entertainment company is taking a bold step in the African retail entertainment market and can guarantee that all products found in any Lifestyle store and Cinemas are legal and legitimate in terms of copyright and intellectual property. Silverbird's objective to establish a world class Pan-African Entertainment Company is well on course, with fast growing establishments in East and West Africa. The Silverbird Group guarantees that all products found in its Lifestyle store and Cinemas are legal and legitimate in terms of copyright and intellectual property.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Satellites Goalee Daniel Adjei Visits Media Houses

It was a thrilling moment at the Happy Centre which houses media giants Happy FM, Y FM and latest television channel Ghana when champion goalkeeper Daniel Adjei paid a familiarization visit to the premises on a bright Wednesday afternoon.

The skillful Black Satellites goalee received a rapturous welcome with cheers and smiles from the enthusiastic staff and management of Global Media Alliance Broadcasting Company at Asylum Down, Accra.

The momentous visit and the excitement it generated was as a result of the splendid performance of the young heroes in the just ended U-20 FIFA World Cup Tournament held in Egypt. The Satellites made Ghana and the entire African continent proud with their determination and emergence as the winners, being the first African nation to bring the cup home in the history of the tournament.

The dynamic staff of Happy FM, Y FM and Ghana were beside themselves with joy for the pleasant visit of the adroit goalkeeper. After an interesting interview with Sports Presenter Swanzy on Happy Sports Talk, Ghana News team did not spare any chances to interact and take pictures with the young superstar. Ms. Brooke Nuwati, Senior Corporate Communications Executive of Global Media Alliance Group congratulated Mr. Daniel Adjei and his teammates as well as management of the Satellites team for the honour done Ghana and the entire continent.

“We are very excited about the unprecedented feat and joy you have brought us; we can only add our voices to the congratulatory messages pouring in from all corners of Africa and even outside the continent. Thank you and may God continue to guide and bless you” summarized, Ms. Brooke Nuwati.

In response, goalee Daniel Adjei expressed joy and gratitude on behalf of the Satellites team
and assured Ghana that the team is poised for more feats now more than ever. He said he and his teammates are very happy and greatly inspired by the warmness shown them by Ghanaians upon their return from Egypt.

Ms. Nuwati also said Global Media Alliance will continue to support the Satellites with their media platforms including Happy FM 98.9, Y FM 107.7, Ghana and Anigye FM 102.5 in Kumasi. This she explained because Global Media Alliance stands for excellence and will go all lengths to use its brands to promote any cause that is geared towards distinction and success like the young Satellites.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Welcome, my beauty queen

And so Awushie wept and wept. She could hardly make out her way through the gates into her parents home as she was blinded with her own tears …. tears of shame and regrets.

The huge crowd gathered around the gate of Mr. and Mrs. Agboka were amazed to see the ever charming beauty in such a state. With her head buried in shame, she was rushed angrily through her parents’ home.

Awushie, Miss Mondo as she was popularly called by her peers and admirers was the epitome of glamour. She was what most young ladies who knew her on the silver screens or were lucky enough to have met her in person wished to be.

She had all the great and flamboyant friends. She attended all the important social functions. She was a regular guest at the top restaurants in town. She was among the first to be seen in the latest runway clothes. She was so spotlessly dressed she passed for an elegant model in the Vogue Magazine.

Behind the glamour however, was a different Awushie. Awushie was too gorgeous for the kitchen. Her delicate skin couldn’t be flawed with her engagements with kitchen chores. Her mother made sure food was always on the table for the queen. After all, there are more than enough house helps who needed some work to do to make them deserving of the big allowance they received from the Agbokas every month. The least they could do was to prepare sumptuous meals and serve pretty Awushie breakfast in bed if she so wished.

Mr. Agboka often complained about such an up-bringing and said that it did more harm than good to their daughter. She must learn how to do simple things like cooking. Every woman (even men of today) needs that. Mrs. Agboka wouldn’t hear of any such thing that offended her daughter.

It turned out that Awushie grew up, well polished and highly networked. She married a very wealthy business mogul in a grand wedding ceremony that remained the talk-of-town for weeks.
To Awushie, the wedding was a dream-come-true. Getting married to an affluent man guaranteed the fulfillment of the fairy-tale world of living happily ever after.

And so Awushie began her married life after the alluring wedding and fascinating honeymoon, spent all the way in the Bahamas. Mr. Anyomi was prepared to dish out any amount of money for his new bride …. Awushie, every man’s dream for a life partner.

After sometime of visiting all the classy restaurants or returning home for a microwaved food on the table, Mr. Anyomi, the troubled husband asked when he would ever get the honour of tasting some real food made from his beauty queen’s magic fingers.

Mr. Anyomi couldn’t take it anymore, and so he started complaining. Awushie only retorted angrily that she was not married to become a cook. “After all, we have all the money in the world to hire the services of the best cook in Paris” she said.

“So what happens to the joy that comes with finger-licking and the relishing experience that comes with eating a special meal prepared by one’s wife? Are we going to go on like this forever?” Mr. Anyomi wondered.

Without seeing any attempts on Awushie’s part to make things better, Mr. Anyomi decided that enough was enough. He couldn’t afford to have a beautiful woman for a wife and yet keep hopping from restaurant to restaurant for the rest of his life. He longed for home food made by his wife and no one else.

And so things got out of hand and Mr. Anyomi decided to do the worst. “I must take her to her parents …. She needs some proper grooming” he said angrily.

As her husband angrily pulled her out of the car and threw her luggage at her in front of inquisitive on-lookers who had gathered at her parents’ gates, Awushie suddenly remembered something her dad and aunt used to tell her while she stayed in her bedroom and enjoyed room service.

She thought about it suddenly (Tugbe me yina atsufe oooo …. Ahoofe nkor aware3) …. Awushie, her aunt would say, “you need to learn these things, no matter how beautiful, intelligent or powerful a woman is, she needs to equip herself with home-making skills”. You may disagree with my grandma and say this perception is archaic, but which would you rather go for, a beautiful woman who can also make a home or the one who is beautiful but lazy. I bet you would die the former.

Experience Michael Jackson; Like You've Never Seen Him @ Silverbird

Silverbird Ghana, number one cinema complex in Accra is proud to be among top theatres worldwide to screen the much anticipated Michael Jackson tribute movie; ‘This is it which is due to release worldwide on Oct 27, 2009.

Even in death, the late Michael Jackson still proves that a legend continues to reign as confirmed by the mad rush for advanced tickets for the premiere. The craze for the King of pop keeps growing as thousands of tickets for the upcoming film has been snapped up all over the world.

Mr. Albert Mensah, MD, Silverbird Ghana says “We feel very happy about this; this is a rare opportunity to Ghanaians and everyone who loves the King of pop to be a part of a legendry event of such magnitude. This only goes to confirm that Silverbird is here to define quality entertainment by world standards”

Silverbird will hold exclusive premiere of the movie to its invited guests on Tuesday, October 27, 2009. To book any of the limited seats available, kindly email: for your reservation.

Starting October 28, 2009, when viewing will be opened to the general public, Silverbird’s luxurious theatres are expected to be filled to capacity and the public are advised to book their advanced tickets for any of the shows because the hit movie will be in the theatres for only two weeks.

This Is It was a planned series of 50 concerts by Jackson, which was scheduled to begin in July 2009 until March 2010 before his untimely death three weeks before his first show. The film features a compilation of interviews, rehearsals and backstage footage of Michael Jackson as he prepared for his series of sold-out shows in London.

The “This Is It” tour would have marked Jackson’s return to the live concert scene since the History World Tour in 1997. Michael Jackson passed away on June 25.

Silverbird Entertainment Ghana Limited is a joint venture between the Silverbird Group, a full service media, entertainment and real estate company with holdings in Radio, Television, Retail Malls and Cinemas and Global Media Alliance, an integrated pan-African media and entertainment company. Silverbird Group also boasts of excellent locations in Kenya with 18 screens at five premier shopping centres.

The Silverbird Group, the third largest entertainment company is taking a bold step in the African retail entertainment market and can guarantee that all products found in any Lifestyle store and Cinemas are legal and legitimate in terms of copyright and intellectual property. Silverbird's objective to establish a world class Pan-African Entertainment Company is well on course, with fast growing establishments in East and West Africa.

The Silverbird Group guarantees that all products found in its Lifestyle store and Cinemas are legal and legitimate in terms of copyright and intellectual property.

Silverbird is giving you a unique opportunity to experience Michael Jackson; Like you’ve never seen him

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

KNUST Honours Edward Boateng

Founder of the CNN Multichoice African Journalist Awards and Executive Chairman of Global Media Alliance, Mr. Edward Boateng has been honoured at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in Kumasi over the weekend.

Mr. Boateng, an alumnus of the university, was presented with a citation which commended him for his role in honouring and encouraging media excellence in the country and on the continent of Africa.

Making the presentation, Mrs. Vesta Adu-Gyamfi, Dean of the Faculty of Industrial Art who represented Prof. Daniel Buor, Provost of the College of Art and Social Sciences, CASS at KNUST said the presentation was to express their appreciation of Mr. Boateng’s role in promoting media excellence in Ghana and Africa.

Receiving the award, Mr. Boateng commended the University for the honour done him and pledged to continue working very hard to make the university and the country proud.

“The Media are indispensable partners in development and I feel happy to be involved in efforts geared towards strengthening media excellence on the continent” he said.

In a related development, Mr. Boateng had undertaken a mentoring, coaching and motivational programme at KNUST as part of activities marking the CASS’ 5th anniversary of the collegiate system.

He urged the students to be disciplined, honest and remain focused to enable them achieve their goals in life.

Mr. Boateng also reminded the students that any habits they cultivate now would impact other areas of their lives after school and so they should make it a point to eschew all forms of bad practices while on campus.

He encouraged students to network and build good relationships that will help them even after school. A university campus is one of the few places to meet good partners, in one’s social and business life, he said.

Industrial and Professional Relations Officer for CASS, Mr. Ralph Nyadu-Addo, said CASS was putting in place mechanisms to bring industry and alumni together to mentor and motivate students, a move which will go a long way to shape the future of tomorrow’s leaders.

Mr. Nyadu-Addo also urged the students to take advantage of opportunities such as Mr. Edward Boateng’s visit and put into practice all the relevant experiences they share with them.

Edward Boateng is the Executive Chairman of Global Media Alliance (GMA) and Chairman of the Silverbird, Africa Group. GMA’s media assets include radio, TV, corporate advisory work and event management. The Silverbird Group is sub-Saharan Africa’s leading and biggest entertainment Company. Amongst others, Silverbird own the Galleria in Lagos, The Abuja Entertainment Centre in Abuja, Nigeria, cinemas and retail outlets in Kenya, Ghana and Nigeria. Edward is responsible for growing the business outside Nigeria.
Prior to GMA, Edward worked with Turner Broadcasting System (TBS), then parent company for CNN, Cartoon Network etc, where he led the drive to establish brands such as CNN, Cartoon Network and Turner Classic Movies into household names in Africa. He also initiated the weekly ‘Inside Africa’ Program that still runs on CNN and founded the CNN African Journalist Awards, now the CNN Multichoice Journalist Awards.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Ame nyo wu gbor ….. man is priceless

‘It is a very touching moment for me and I am very honoured and happy beyond imagination. I can’t believe that I’m the First Lady of this great nation. It has been an uphill climb but it has been more than worth the price.”

No one would ever have thought that Emefa could be the woman standing in the podium being guarded religiously by such high profile state security. But yes, she is the pretty First Lady addressing the enthusiastic audience.
Not even the lady herself would have thought that such a moment as they were witnessing could have been possible. It was simply a dream farfetched for a girl who many people recall, in dirty tattered clothes with a funny look, to want to become such a damsel, adorable and graceful as the one before them.

Emefa used to do all the house chores often times on an empty stomach late into the night as her siblings were glued to their television sets watching the latest Disney productions and singing along while the TV commercial of the moment played. They would scream, dance or even jump in the luxurious sofa.

Emefa dared not peep to catch even the quickest glance. If she dared and got caught, hell was let loose in the house. She competed with the beautiful woman’s children. So she must be taught a lesson. In such moments, Emefa only wept and missed her deceased mother.

And so Mrs. Alele treated Emefa with so much hatred and disgust. She simply couldn’t see eye to eye with the innocent girl. She often beat, insulted and constantly reminded Emefa that she was a good-for-nothing bitch. “You useless rat” she would tell her anytime Emefa was caught doing something as harmless as reading a book in an isolated corner after her home chores.

Through it all, Emefa remained calm, resolute and respectful. She was inspired by one thing that an old lady who lived close-by and witnessed her troubles told her;

“Emefa, enyonyo ge ….. ame nyo wu gbor (this literally means Emefa, it’s going to be alright, man is better than goat). In other words, man (human) is always more valuable than animals, no matter how stupid a person may seem, he is of more benefit to the society than animals.

And so Emefa found inspiration in this statement and continued to hope for the better despite her step-mother’s unrelenting efforts to make her lose any sense of self value. “I know I am very beautiful and important” she kept reminding herself through her tribulations.

So what happened to Emefa? I asked my grandmother after she continued with the details of Emefa’s problems with her step mother. How did she get to become a first lady?

Hmmm, my grandmother sighed and said to me;

“Afua my dear, sometimes, miracles do happen and fairytales come alive”.

As in a fairytale, Emefa remained sober and polite and went about her duties while praying to God for a lot of patience. Unknown to her she had won the admiration and love of a childless couple who had seen the hardworking dirty-looking girl running in the neighbourhood on one errand or the other.
The couple contacted Emefa’s father and requested that Emefa came to stay with them while they assume every responsibility of her including her education.

Mrs. Alele was all-joy as she couldn’t wait to get rid of the bug in her cloth, Emefa. She gladly threw her out the moment the couple expressed their interest, for it was overdue! She wished the couple a happy time with the pack of trouble they are rushing for. “If only they knew what they were in for?” she muttered to herself as the couple left happily with Emefa.

It so happened that Emefa was sent to school where she excelled and came out with a Masters degree in Business Administration. She later married a young man she graduated with who later became the President making Emefa the first lady …. mother of a whole nation.

Watching the news on the television, Mrs. Alele buried her face in shame and did realize her mistakes when Emefa, in her acknowledgement speech, mentioned her name with so much love and gratitude.

We must show kindness to everyone, because indeed, Ame nyo wu gbor. As Mahatma Gandhi said, throughout history, the way of truth and love has always won.
I can never thank you enough for this tale, grandma.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


The High Commission of India, Accra in partnership with Silverbird Cinemas and Global Media Alliance on Friday inaugurated a five day complimentary screening of Indian films dubbed – ‘The Festival of Indian Films’, which started from the 2nd of October 2009 – 6th of October 2009.

The auspicious ceremony in commemoration of 140th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi was also convened to observe and highlight the internationally celebrated World Non-Violence Day.

The weeklong celebration of Indian culture and colours, through the medium of Bollywood Cinema was graced and inaugurated by chief guest His Excellency the Vice President of Ghana, John Dramani Mahama, who was received by beautiful bouquets of flowers.

The Vice President along with the High Commissioner of India to Ghana, Her Excellency Mrs. Ruchi Ghanshyam and Mr. Edward Boateng, Chairman, Silverbird Africa officially opened the event by lighting a lamp in the Silverbird auditorium. Lighting the lamp is the Indian tradition that symbolizes the eradication of darkness and ignorance through the light of knowledge and goodness. Later, HE Mrs. Ruchi Ghanshyam welcomed the guests, and thanked the wishful sponsors present at the event. Some of the big wigs included Mr. V. Sreedharan, MD, Bank of Baroda Ghana Ltd., Mr. Vivek Saraswat, Country Manager, Tata Africa Holdings Ghana Ltd. Mr. Bhagwan Khubchandani, Chairman, Melcom Group and Mr. Ashok Mohinani, Chairman, Poly Group.

HE John Mahama, later addressed the audience with a keynote saying that the festival is a truly symbolic one because it also marks the centenary anniversary of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, who also believed in Mahatma Gandhi’s principles and practice of non-violence. He also expressed his joy for the growing number of Indian businesses in Ghana by saying that India and Ghana relationship has always been solid. These warm words were followed by screening the eight (8) Oscar winning autobiographical film, ‘Gandhi’.

Mahatma Gandhi was an Indian Advocate who later fought to win independence from the British Raj through non-violence. He was not the commander of armies, nor the ruler of vast lands. He could not boast any scientific achievement or artistic gift. Yet men, governments, dignitaries from all over the world, have joined hands today to pay homage to “the little brown man in the loin cloth”, who led his country to freedom.

At the plush Silverbird cinemas, the event attracted several dignitaries including Minister for Women & Children Affairs, Akua Sena Dansua, Dy. Minister of Education, Dr. Joseph Annan, Daughter of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah and member of parliament, Samia Nrkumah and Prof. Atokwei Okai, Poet & Writer, President of Pan African Writers association. The gorgeous Ghanaian actress Jackie Appiah came in dressed like an Indian princess on a Horse Carriage. She was received by a great gusto of fans along with a carnival of Indian and African dancers rejoicing to the beats of both countries.

Indian movies have had and continue to enjoy a huge success all over the world for their beautiful productions. The quality that goes into the production work coupled with interesting themes and excellent cast can undoubtedly be matched with, if not rated above Hollywood productions.

The Festival of India Films hopes to highlight the Indian presence in Ghana and to showcase the Indian society and culture to the people of Ghana.

During this week, Silverbird Cinemas will have two complimentary screenings of Indian films; ranging from old films to some of the most popular Bollywood films yet.

Cinema and culture go hand in hand and movies are the core of cinematic productions and success. Indian movies have excelled when it comes to providing good movies for the screens and a lot of cinemas are still in flourishing businesses because of Indian movies which remain the delight of many cinema goers.

Interacting with guests, Mr. Edward Boateng, Executive Chairman of Global Media Alliance and Chairman Silverbird Africa says he is very delighted about the excitement with which the public have welcomed the festival. “I am amazed at the huge success of this evening. The caliber and number of people who thronged in just to witness the opening of the festival is so refreshing and goes to emphasize the fact that Ghanaians love Indian movies”.

Indian movies are not only great when it comes to viewership and following, they have also greatly impacted local movie productions, here in Ghana. It is not uncommon to see a lot of Ghanaian movies modeled after Indian ones.

This festival is to become an annual event where each year the Indian community in Ghana will gather to celebrate and fraternize with each other while also fortifying and building new relationships with Ghanaians.

Thus the opening of the five-day celebration on Friday, October 2, couldn’t have been more appropriate to Indians who used the occasion to honour a great son and Ghanaians who took the opportunity to celebrate the birth centenary of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah and to learn about another great hero, Mahatma Gandhi. This event could probably be yet another great way of welcoming Ghana’s multi-cultural acceptance and unity in diversity.

The event was organized in kind courtesy of: Tata Africa Holdings, Ghana, PHC Motors, Melcom, Bank of Baroda, IPMC, NIIT, Somotex Ghana Ltd., M&G Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Param Farms & Kohinoor Restaurant, Essar Signages, Happy 98.9 FM, Y 107.7 FM, e.tvghana.

Friday, October 2, 2009

SAY CHEERS Holds Wine Festival to Support Korle-bu Cardio Centre

Say Cheers, the number one wine retailers in Ghana, have over the weekend organized the first ever wine festival in the country. The maiden wine festival was held at the Labadi Beach Hotel on Friday & Saturday, September 26 & 27, 2009.

The event attracted wine makers, retailers, buyers, tasters and other stakeholders in the wine industry from a number of countries including France, South Africa and Chile. Say Cheers is the local representative of these and other wine makers around the world.

On Friday night a formal dinner prepared exclusively by Executive Chef Gary Lane, was at the Labadi Beach Hotel with each course featuring a different wine variety and brief wine appreciation information. Each table was named after the world-class wineries and brands such as Spier, Arniston Bay, 4 Cousins, Arabella, Springbok Rugby Player Schalk Burger’s Welbedacht, Saronsberg, Boekenhoutskloof, Rupert & Rothschild, Lanson and many more.
Some exotic and expensive wines were auctioned at the event to raise funds for the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital’s Cardiothoracic Centre in Accra.

“We are delighted to be involved in this venture. We did not only have fun with good wine and food, we also raised funds to support a worthy cause. Say Cheers is happy to contribute to make society a better place. Good wine is good for the heart and Say Cheers is interested in anything pertaining to the human heart” says Herman Kuhn, CEO of Say Cheers.

Other items auctioned included an autographed Springbok Rugby Jersey of Schalk Burger Jnr, a photo of Springbok Rugby Father and Son, Schalk Snr & Schalk Jnr Burger, a dinner for the highest bidder and 10 friends in their own home by Executive Chef of the Labadi Beach Hotel and the big one: 2 Business Class return air tickets compliments of SAA to Cape Town with 2 nights’ accommodation at the Commodore Legacy Hotel and 4 nights at 4 different wine estates over harvesting time with vineyard tours and wine tasting at some of the participating wine estates.

Saturday was open to the public for wine tasting in the lush gardens of the Labadi Beach Hotel with entertainment from Salsa dancing to some of the top entertainers in Ghana. Also as part of the event on Saturday was Executive Chef of Labadi Beach Hotel, Mr. Gary Lane’s attempt to gain an entry in the Guinness Book of Records for the longest pizza in Africa under the watchful eyes of officials from the Guinness Book of Records. In forty-seven minutes, the 105.7 metre-long pizza was made and was sold to guests at GhC5.00 a slice, the proceeds of which were also donated to the Korle-bu Cardiothoracic Centre.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Ghana to become a middle income country .... vision far too remote???

The failure of governments since 1966 to develop and implement a coherent supply chain and logistics strategy in support of the country’s gateway initiative continues to be a major impediment towards Ghana’s goals of becoming a middle income country.

Abundance of resources yet still relatively socio-economically poor!

Ghana is one of the few countries in the world to be endowed with much needed resources that can easily serve as a catalyst for major long term socio-economic growth. …..Gold, Cocoa, Industrial diamonds bauxite, manganese and now oil! ……In addition the country is blessed with one of the most fertile agro soils in the world….Yet the country’s unemployment rate among the 18-35 years has remained among the highest in the world since 1970. In tandem with this, the country’s infrastructure is among the least developed in the world.

Having benchmarked the country’s development and economic growth with other developed and emerging economies one realized that the relative underdevelopment is mainly due to amongst others our inability to use simple supply chain principles to harness the enormous wealth at the country’s disposal.

Since the late nineties one has had the opportunity to have both formal and informal discussions with our politicians and decision makers. In most cases they are proud to pontificate about countries like Singapore Malaysia, USA, Chain India and even more recently South Africa….and how they are able to add value to imported commodities, plus move goods from various points of production to points of need within and outside their respective countries. Yet when it comes to Ghana it seems they are content to export the country’s raw materials to other countries for processing and then import it back at premium to sell locally in the regional market!

Supply chain management and Ghana’s Gateway Initiative

Ghana’s gateway initiative in theory is a resplendent model if supported by the right modus operandi. Successive governments have pontificated about the status of the country as the potential gateway into the sub region. Yet when one looks at the policies of government to date, no where has one seen any concrete long term plans to harness the potential vantage position of Ghana as a sub regional country. As a country that is supposedly the gateway into the sub region aero logistics connections is not only poor but among the most expensive in the world!!

What puzzles ordinary citizens like myself is why our leaders continue to accept that value added to our resources can only take place outside Ghana……..!!! The time has come for our leaders to rather look at Ghana as a sub regional workshop where companies with interest in marketing their products to 250 million regional inhabitants will use the country as it decoupling point.

Could Ghana have benefited more from Cocoa with a coherent supply chain strategy?

Like most economies, Ghana could have easily used cocoa to sustainably transform the economy if there was a strategic supply chain blue print. More recently one has been hearing about Cocoa Board ambitions to produce 1 million tons per annum. What difference will it make to graduate students looking for a job if most of the beans are going to end up in Europe where value adding will take place?”

Would Ghana benefit from the OIL?

There seem to be a propensity for our leaders to pontificate that the recently discovered oil is the panacea for all Ghana’s economic woes. The sad reality is that jobs are not created from the crude oil. Rather it is from the supply chain services that are associated with crude oil….!

Govt must have a supply chain and beneficiation strategy for each of Ghana’s major commodities

Through out history countries that depend on the exportation of raw commodities have relatively failed to achieve major long term socio-economic growth. The shortism in economic policies coupled with governments’ lack of strategic thought vis-à-vis supply chain management and local beneficiation continue to be an impediment for socio- economic growth. The time has come for our elected leaders to be more strategic and start thinking about:

1. How Ghana can use supply chain management as a weapon for competitive advantage

2. Positioning Ghana as sub regional workshop and decoupling point

3. Branding Ghana as a source of quality products, i.e. proudly Ghanaian,

4. Empower Ghanaians through supply chain related services

5. Creating real and much needed jobs through local beneficiation of minerals and agro commodities

6. Laying a solid socio-economic foundation for future generations

7. Thinking seriously about harnessing the potential of the gateway initiative…..

In so doing we will be laying a solid foundation for future generations. After all, Ghana’s resources do not belong to the current generation……Rather we are just custodians (irrespective of local tribe or party affiliation) collectively tasked to harness these resources to build a better and sustainable socio-economic future for the next generation!

Dr. Douglas Boateng is the Founder, President and CEO of PanAvest International a 5PSCM niche business advisory, education, training, coaching and mentoring company. Dr Boateng’s goal is to assist companies to profitably extend their market reach through the application of long term innovative, Business Development Logistics and Supply Chain Management solutions. Dr Boateng is a FELLOW of the (a) Institute of Directors-UK & Southern Africa (b) Chartered Management Institute -UK (c) Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport-UK and the (d) Institute of Operations Management-UK

Credit: Dr. Douglas Boateng