Friday, November 6, 2009


Mmpt! Mmpt! Mmpt! (hahaha …. just trying to inscribe the kisses of my favourite pet, Blackie). This interesting dog would always jump, kiss and even try to hug me any time I enter my house. No matter how late it takes me to get home, Blackie as we affectionately call him, is always there, as faithful as my shadows waiting for me.

Wagging his tail and jumping high, it is all obvious that Blackie is always happy to see me after a long break (twelve hours’ break is long enough to make us miss each other).

But tell you what, it’s not only about wagging of tails, blowing of garbled kisses or running away from a hug of a four-legged animal that has so endeared me to this dog. This dog continues to teach me in a very natural way something that not even the most renowned motivational speaker or preacher would be so successful in making me understand!

One interesting thing that amazes me about Blackie is his level of patience. There are three dogs in my house. Anytime I enter the house, all three, including Blackie would jump around me and follow me until I close the door behind me and go into my bedroom. They would then leave, but not Blackie, Blackie my faithful friend would always linger around some more till after a time, long enough to convince himself that I was probably asleep and not coming out anymore ….. He never takes chances, in case I came out with some goodies wrapped for him. He must wait …. Yes Blackie has the spirit of waiting on his mistress ….. such admirable gift of patience! Oftentimes, I surely do have something for my dogs, but Blackie ends up having all of it. For the others leave before I come out with the goodies, just in case I decide to take a quick shower or sit through the evening news before giving them their treat. Faithful Blackie is surely always there because he has learnt to wait long enough.

Oftentimes, there are so many good things around us that we fail to see. We stretch our eyes too far in search of things that are so close to us if only we cared to look around us. There is no need looking for greener pastures when in fact the grass is greenest in our own land.

So, any time I find myself in a restless situation, and thoughts of giving up engulf me, I only remember my dog and smile. My friend, Blackie has taught me to be patient and let things work out for me. This does not mean you shouldn’t try to push your way through when it becomes necessary. On the contrary, it has taught me the art of perseverance …. Not to give up too easily. It also means we must try to let time take its course and that we must understand that there are certain things that we simply have no control over. No amount of fretting, chuckling or unrestlessness will make any positive difference if we decided to interfere with time’s plan of action. Like Blackie’s mistress in this tale, people or situations may decide to move at their own pace, rather than at your expected pace. You may get frustrated and lose it all if you don’t have some patience.

As I sat down lately, reminiscing about grandma, and I was suddenly snapped by something she used to say; “nunya, menye agbale me ko wole ooooo” (literally, knowledge is not only found in books). Yes, and it’s so true! There are invaluable amount of lessons around us …. even less endowed creatures like dogs have some knowledge/lessons to offer. We only need to look around us to appreciate them.

Grandma was so right. She never went to school but she knew so much I even wonder if I could ever get to acquire half the wisdom of my beloved grandma.
Thank you, Blackie.

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